Book: Thomas Tillam – The Seventh-day Sabbath Sought Out and Celebrated
Updated Appendix C, “Why I Do Not Believe that Atheistic Communism is the King of the South”
This updated appendix C also shows how the the political right allies with Papal/Traditional Christianity while the radical Left allies with Islam.
Updated chapter 8, “The Time of the End Holy War”
This updates previous editions of our book. It shows how world events are currently being fulfilled. It will be occasionally updated, so you can get the latest available.
Daniel 11 Commentary
This verse by verse commentary on Daniel 11 will show how it has been accurately fulfilled over the past 2500 years and what to expect next.
The “Times” of Daniel 11 and 12
A study on the three times, or time periods, of Daniel 11 which follow the time of Christ in Daniel 11:22.
World on Edge
The Middle East and the world have been on edge since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Since then that edge has been getting more and more crumbly as events threaten to push us all into the abyss of World War 3.